Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prego me

We had another check-up at the end of last week, and both babies are still girls (sorry mum-in-law, I know you were still holding out for a boy and girl). Praise God, things look WONDERFUL! I've already gained 30 pounds (which is how much you supposed to gain with one baby by the end of your pregnancy incase you didn't know). It's one of the best things I can do for the twins- to make sure that they go full term. It's hard and strange to see the numbers on the scale go so high, but I'm trying to swallow down those feelings and focus on making sure that I do everything I can to get these babies here healthy. I was reading the other day, from one of the MANY books in that stack, that the two most important things you can do when prego with twins is get rest and eat lots. I know it sounds silly, but to do those two things the way I really should, it takes purpose and focus. I realized in thinking about it that even though the path God has been taking us down seemed all wrong to me at the time (moving back in with my parents was never a part of my plan) God has been unfolding his perfect plan for our lives every day. He's has put me in the ideal situation to see that I can achieve these things. I am so grateful that though our life changes so fast that I can't make plans from one month to another, I can trust in a God who can make plans for me.
We had two other exciting pieces of news from the exams! The girls weigh more that average for 24 weeks, just a few ounces more, but for twins that's wonderful news. And for the really big news: both of the girls are now head down, or in medical speak: vertex, vertex. This means that they are in the ideal position for a natural birth, and hopefully they stay that way! God is great! Blessings!c
P.S. I have had an inspired, yet not so very original, idea recently. You can see all the information I have been reading and gleaning from different sources. I was struggling to figure out how I would remember some of the things I have found useful in all my research. I could see myself thinking, "Yes I remember reading some good advice for how to deal with this," as two babies scream at the top of their little lungs, "yes, seems like it was in a book." And all this knowledge I'm trying to gather up would be scattered to the four winds with every head splitting scream. So. I decided to make a "Baby Binder". I'm photo copying key things I want to remember books, and printing things from the web, three hold punching them, writing notes one them if I need to, and organizing them in the binder. My own personal emergency baby reference :)

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