Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vacation Reading-Life Management for Busy Women

I brought "Life Management for Busy Women- Living out God’s Plan with Passion & Purpose" by Elizabeth George with me on our little vacation, but didn’t really get into until after we had come home. It’s very different than the flowers and calendar on the front cover led to me think (you know what they say about judging a book by it's cover), much better in fact. I am VERY temped to write a post on every section of the book, but after a little thought have decided against doing this. One reason is I think you ought to get a copy of this book and read through it yourself. George has the ability to come along side you and feel like a close friend and mentor, and I don't think I could capture that in blog posts without simply typing up most of the book.
The book in broken into eight parts covering the following topics: managing your spiritual life, physical life, home life, financial life, social life, metal life, ministry life, and finally pulling all these parts together, managing your time...and your life. Each areas she breaks into two basic sections: what does God have to say about this and how can you practically apply this to your life.
I have been gobbling this book up. Her studies and the verses she brings to bear on each topic of the book are in depth, highly inspiring, and very motivational. She states her goals for this area well, "We've been addressing the matter of the heart. We've been going over our God-entrusted stewardship of all that we have and all that we are...Why go over these deeper issues? Because the first thing we must manage is our heart. As Christian women, our hearts and our lives (and everything else!) belongs to God. And when our affections are set on God, everything else falls into place..." She then follows up these studies with practical real life disciplines (usually ten) which help form habits in keeping with God's will for our lives. None of the disciplines are detailed guides of what to do, but instead are practical principles which should guide what we do and how we do it. I'm going to write a post soon from the first section of the book called At the Heart of It All-Managing Your Spiritual Life just to give you a taste.
Note: Check for this book at your local library; mine had it.

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