Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Drum roll please....

It's been a good day. With all sorts of nice things happening, but we're almost late for church, and The Man is going to kill me-lol. So I'll get to the point.
We have two very healthy baby.....
Can you believe it?!


  1. Congratulations! :) I am so happy for you and The Man and now The Girls.

  2. I can't believe it! How did that happen? I mean, FV basically only produces boys (with a intermittent girl here & there) and somehow you managed to get TWO? Congrats! You are going to have your hands full in about 14 years! (and i will hopefully finally be smooth sailin' by then.... {wink})

  3. I'm jumping up and down with glee at God's goodness, blessing(s) and love for you and your hubs!


  4. Girls!!! Yaaay! I am so excited. You'll be a little knitting machine of a family.

  5. GIRLS! Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing!

  6. Girls are best! They'll be yours forever =) Fraternal or Identical? SO happy for you!

  7. I'm pretty tickled about all this girl stuff, though it wasn't what I thought I wanted. The babies have separate sacks and placenta so there is still about a 20% chance they are identical. But we would only know that by seeing them and watching them grow and seeing how much alike they are or by genetic testing latter on.
