Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Late Mother's Day: Beyond This Land of Parting

I sing hymns a lot through the day. I started it when the girls were very little, when I was getting not sleep and mad as a March hare. It gave me a sort of anchor in all the insanity. And still, singing hymns helps me to stay focused on the important things in life and keep perspective, which can be hard to do if you have little ones howling at you all day. I'd highly recommend it as a way of life for any believer. So anyway, I was singing "Beyond This Land of Parting" which is an old hymn you may or may not know (you can listen to it here if you would like to). The girls were particularly fussy that day. They followed me around all day, tripping over each other (still working on walking), trying to get me, and "wailing and weeping". That's the only way I could think of to describe it. So slowly a new verse for this old hymn started to form its self out of my day.
Far beyond the crying, wailing, and weeping
Far beyond the diapers darkening this,
And far beyond the dishes laundry and teething
Lies a summer land of bliss
LOL, cause sometimes you just have to grit you teeth and say, "I'm going to heaven!" And when I'm there I will be glad of all these opportunities for self sacrificing service to others. I hope all you mothers had a wonderful day! LOVEc
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16

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