One of the wonderful things about working with herbs is that you can always learn more. I learned about this cough syrup from a friend about a week ago, just in time to help kick the lingering cough floating around our house. She said they have such great results with it that they share it with everyone. My friend learned this technique from her pediatrician. Here are the very complicated directions. Chop an onion. Layer it in a jar with honey or sugar. Let it set at room temp until the juices start coming out of the onion. That juice is your cough syrup.
I was really curious how this would taste, but I found it smells a lot worse than it tastes. Ours mainly tasted like water downed honey...though I do still have a cold right now, so it could have an effect on my taste buds. I would use sugar if you are making this for a little one too small to eat honey. If you are using honey it will be worth your time to find a local source of unpasteurised unfiltered honey to make this with, as it will help with the cold. If you have trouble locating some try looking for a nearby bee keeping association, or asking at your local health food store (not a chain store, a local owned one). My mother-in-law says she remembers her mom making a version of this and putting it in their chest too. Sounds pretty messy to me, but I would try it if I was desperate.
Garlic is a natural anti-biotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-cancer. It's as powerful as penicillin, but with no side effects, except smell. I understand it works best taken orally, but that's hard to get a two year old to do. You can chop it fine and cover it with honey. I like to chop it pill size and swallow. If I'm very sick I set a timer (or else I will forget) and take a clove every hour. Oregano is anti-bacterial, and some people say an anti-biotic. It helps break up congestion. You can find wild Mediterranean oregano to be taken orally at your health food store or on-line (I would call to see which is meant for oral dosage). The Man and I take it under our tongue. It is VERY hot, and needs a quick chaser. I saw on-line where one lady had taught her 5 years old and older children to drink some water and hold it at the back of their mouth and she would drop some into their mouths in the water and them tell them to swallow. You don't want to use this remedy if you are pregnant. Lavender is an anti-septic and helps people relax, lowers fevers, and it smells much better than garlic. These are the reasons I've included these things. It helps to know the why, because then you know better how to use them. For instance, if there are a lot of colds going around you might want to do a lot of cooking with garlic and oregano, even if your family isn't sick.
I love how simple many of these remedies are. Another wonderful thing about these particular remedies is that I have personally found them to be very effective, but they are gentle enough to be used on very small children. Because of the things I have read, and that these remedies are food based, I personally would feel comfortable using them one of my children at as young as three months, though you need to seek your own advice and prayerfully make your own decisions on these things.
May God grant you wisdom and knowledge as you help keep your family healthy! c
Read other posts in this series:
Blackberries- tummy trouble
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